At the Craniofacial RSC, we want to make clear that we take our commitment to science seriously. With the premise to always deliver the best of what we do, we often come across situations and projects phases that require exchange, share or exposure of some of our original/exclusive materials, formulas, specimens and portions of intellectual property we own to visitors, clients, contractors, attendees, scientists, researchers, doctors, guests and colleagues that circulate our facilities.
When we protect our rights over what we create, we also protect your rights to what we develop together or for you, and what you learn through us, because we want you to feel safe to pursue your scientific evolution.
We nurture genuine admiration for every individual effort involved on scientific development, with the utmost respect for all financial investments, contributions and time dedication from all parts involved on the projects the Craniofacial RSC team or services take part on.
Hence, with the purpose of ethically protecting the rights and the safety of the creative minds of our team members, clients and scientists that we come across, support and/or host, all Courses Materials, Broadcasts, Projects, as well as all communications related to those (including private, electronic, direct or in groups) and that relate, mention or include any of the original Craniofacial RSC information, are subject to and protected under the Florida Uniform Trade Secrets Act (FUTSA) rules of NON DISCLOSURE, NON COMPETE AND CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTS, wherever the information shared fits.
The unauthorized disclosure, reproduction, replication, copying or sharing of original materials, original preservation processes, original images, original formulas and original content will be considered MISAPPROPRIATION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND/OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, as stated on the Chapter 688 of the Florida Statutes.
Regardless of the nature of the communication, origin and/or purpose of any request for any of our services that are performed or originated within our facilities; as well as a registration to any of our courses or attendance to any of our meetings, it is out of respect to our ethical approach to the matter that, in voluntary accordance, you agree to the terms and conditions described above, from the date of initial communication/registration/request to the maximum period of time allowed to be enforced for this, in accordance with Florida Statute §688.007. i
We appreciate you coming to learn, study and research with us.
If you are a Healthcare Professional and you practice in the U.S., ask us about our CE certification capabilities.
We are accredited in the State of Florida - and we can provide Continuing Education hours (upon request) for several professionals that practice in the U.S. that come to us for courses, online learning or special area CE needs.
The CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTER will always issue attendants an individual "CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE" stating the dedicated study and research time spent with us.
Notice that such "Certificates of Attendance" ARE NOT DEGREES, meaning that a "Certificate of Attendance" DO NOT QUALIFY professionals to perform procedures, prescribe medicine, increase scope of current work and etc.
The CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTER is not an Educational Entity and this definition is not subject to personal interpretation - regardless of Country of origin and/or practice of our attendants.
In the adversity of a Course being cancelled for any internal reason - or reasons that originate at the Craniofacial RSC that keeps us from being able to present a scheduled Course, we will refund the attendees that are registered for the cancelled Course.
At the Craniofacial RSC we dedicate a lot of effort into only selling Courses we'll present as scheduled.
In the adversity of any Course being postponed for reasons beyond our control - like weather risks, airport closures, specimens shortage, Community health warnings (like the Pandemic lockdowns) or circumstances where the course minimum quota of attendees is not reached by the Course Coordination (when the attendance of a Course is of responsibility of private Academic Groups or the Industry), or reasons that might keep the Craniofacial RSC from presenting a scheduled Course within our parameters of continuing education, we will accommodate the registered students at any convenient future edition of the same course or into an equivalent course that the attendee might chose, at their availability and schedule convenience.
Cadaver Labs are high investment courses for both providers and attendees, given the nature of the materials we need in order to offer our course programs.
If a registered attendee can't make it to the Course selected, we will refund 80% of the payment if we receive proper communication of the cancellation up to 60 days prior to the Course dates.
However, we also don't want our registered attendees to lose their investment on their educational needs, so we do offer the attendee the option of rescheduling their attendance into another course of same value within a year of their course date, if we receive proper communication of the cancellation up to 10 days prior to the course dates.
For this communications, please email us at and as soon as you realize you can't make it to the course you registered for and we'll try to reschedule your attendance at your convenience.
In the adversity of illness or an emergency, please contact us on and we'll do our best to accommodate you into a new date as soon as possible. There are no refunds.
The rules and regulations described above apply to all courses presented at the craniofacial RSC, independent of professors, dates, logistics, traveling plans and personal reasons.
There are no exceptions.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a security framework that will ensure the protection of COURSES AND TRAINING ATTENDANTS INFORMATION from unauthorized access, loss or damage while supporting the open, information-sharing needs of our academic culture.
CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTER Information may be verbal, digital, and/or hardcopy, individually-controlled or shared, stand-alone or networked, used for administration, research, teaching, or other purposes - ONLY BY THE ATTENDING AND/OR CLEARLY AUTHORIZED BY US. Standards and procedures related to this Information Security Policy are only available for attendants and will be shared as needed and accordingly.
Failure to comply with this policy may subject you to disciplinary action and to potential penalties described in the laws of the State of Florida and the United States Patent and Trademark Office - which regulates intelectual property.
Copyright © 2020 CranioFacial RSC - All Rights Reserved.
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